
Tag: texas

Punam Kaji talks to Joy Diaz running for Governor of Texas as a Democrat.  She talks about the importance of being pragmatic and unifying.  She reminds our listeners that it is so important to come out and vote in this Primary! Learn more about Joy by visiting her website here. Learn more about WiseUp TX, volunteer, or donate on our website. The WiseUp TX podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play and the WiseUp TX...

Punam Kaji talks to Jinny Suh, a  candidate for Land Commissioner. She is a community organizer, parent,  attorney and small business owner.  She founded Immunize Texas, a grassroots network dedicated to supporting pro-vaccine legislation. She explains what the Land Commissioner does and talks about being an Asian American running for statewide office. WiseUp TX is non-partisan and does not support any candidates or political parties. Learn more about WiseUp TX, volunteer, or donate on our website. Learn more about...

WiseUp TX founder and board member, Azra Siddiqi, returns to the podcast to talk about the upcoming 2020 Election. It’s a podcast jam-packed with important information such as who is on the ballot, how to participate in mail-in voting (if you qualify), utilizing safe practices to vote during a global health pandemic, what to do if you face voter intimidation, where to find your polling locations, sample ballots, and why you should vote. On the...

MJ Hegar is running for the United States Senate as the Democratic candidate against longtime incumbent, John Cornyn.  She has served our country as a combat veteran, she has worked in the healthcare industry, and she is a working mom. She talks about how all these experiences led her to run for office and how she thinks he can make life better for Texans! You can learn more about her on her website. WiseUp TX is...


Join us and Texas Civil Rights Project to learn about how to vote during Covid, access the voter protection hotline in Urdu, Hindi, and Bengali, mail-in ballot information, and what to do when dealing with voter intimidation. We want to make sure the Texas South Asian community is prepared as we head to the polls! We are joined with the following community partners: Indian American Coalition of Texas IACT, South Asian Bar Association of Austin,...

Judge Staci Williams is running for TX Supreme Court as a democratic candidate.  This is a statewide race that will be on every ballot this November. Judge Williams currently serves as Judge of the 101st District Court in Dallas County. Judge Williams talks about the important decisions the Texas Supreme Court has made lately, and how she could serve Texans on our highest court after her years of experience as a trial Judge and a...


Please join us for a pan-Asian and statewide event focusing on voter registration and census issues impacting the Texas Asian American community. Main Speaker: Dr. Karthick Ramakrishnan, founder of AAPIData Moderator: Azra Siddiqi, founder of WiseUp TX Opening Remarks: Judge KP George Closing Remarks: Representative Gene Wu Join us as we co-host this event with 20 Asian American organizations! Co-Hosts: Indian American Coalition of Texas IACT Ravi K. Sandill SABA Dallas SABA Houston South Asian Bar Association of Austin DFW Muslim Bar...

Curious about how to register to vote? Have no fear, WiseUp TX is here! Learn how to register to vote in Texas for the upcoming November election. WiseUp TX is excited to showcase the beautiful diversity of the Texas South Asian community as you can see we have Pakistani, Indian, Nepali, Sri Lankan, and Bangladeshi Texans. People of all ages and various faiths such as Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, and Zoroastrian. Our community can make a...


WiseUp and Get Engaged was an engaging and thoughtful conversation, allowing our community to gain different perspectives on what civic engagement means and how to get more involved without being proficient in political landscape and policies. We would like to thank our moderator, Behzad Dabu (Actor, Producer & Activist), and our panelists, Sheela Lal (Co-founder of Dearborn for Black Lives), Sim Singh (Sikh Coalition), and Alejandro Vera (Attorney) for sharing actionable and insightful information. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this discussion. If...

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