Hoo We Are

We are all South Asians with diverse backgrounds, religions, and languages who share a love for our home state, Texas. We are a mix of first, second and third-generation South Asians who have combined forces to empower our community through civic engagement.

About WiseUp TX

The Texas South Asian community consists of first, second, or third generation diaspora from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, and Myanmar. The primary religions in the region are Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Zorastrian, and Buddhism. While we are nonpartisan, there are certain policies we firmly champion, inclusivity of all, defending civil rights for all, and equal rights for all.

WiseUp TX was established in November 2015. It started as a one woman show which constituted of a segment on Radio Azad. The mission was to inform the Texas South Asian community about harmful laws and policies that were happening on the state and federal levels so that our community would be motivated to get to the polls. WiseUp TX eventually evolved into a podcast, hosting political educational events, and became an informational digital media platform. After the 2016 November elections, WiseUp TX won Best New Voice in the Austin Chronicle.

In the summer of 2018, three interns joined the team to help expand the resources for voter education. Then, in the summer of 2019, the WiseUp TX board further expanded by adding 13 board members. As WiseUp TX represents the South Asian community as a whole, it was important the board showcased the beautiful diversity of the Texas South Asian community. As you read through the bios of our team, we hope you’ll notice our board members live in various areas of Texas, work in various fields, and come from all different backgrounds. But, despite all our differences, we all share a common value to ensure the Texas South Asian community is represented at the polls and legislators begin to notice our presence at the table.

Finally, we want people to realize that learning about politics is an investment in you and your children’s futures. So come join us on this quest as we navigate and understand the intricate process of American Politics!

Get Educated. Get Wiser. Start Giving a Hoot.


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Meet The Team


Let's Partner Up

The WiseUp TX team is looking forward to connecting and building coalitions with other organizations. We’d love to hear from ya’ll on how to create a mutually beneficial partnership so please contact us below!

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